Installation (Website)

Here are some requirements and guides to contributing to the Girl Develop It website code base. Be sure to review this when trying to install a local development environment! Be sure to reach out to us at with questions.

Vagrant installation instructions

Using Vagrant is the suggested way to do development for the website. It provides a standard environment that works across platforms.

1. Install VirtualBox

VirtualBox is a cross-platform virtualization application (see: the VirtualBox manual). That means it can install multiple virtual machines at the same time, which is great for development. You can download the latest version on the VirtualBox website.

2. Install Vagrant

Vagrant is a wonderful tool to help you build complete development environments. Download the latest version on the Vagrant website.

3. Clone the gdi-website Git repository

Clone the Git repository into your local development folder:

git clone
cd gdi-website

4. Start Vagrant

Depending on your machine, this could take a while. Once it's started, you'll ssh into the Vagrant box and run later commands from that environment.

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

5. Install and initialize the development environment

Run the following:

cd /opt/gdi/development
bundle install
rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
rails server --binding=

6. View website

Test your connection in a browser: http://localhost:3000/

MacOS installation instructions

Before you begin

There are a few programs you have to have installed on your local machine before download the Girl Develop It code base.

Note: If you are upgrading from 9.2., please see instructions below for "Upgrading PostgreSQL from 9.2."

Getting started

bundle install
gem install bundle; bundle install

Finally, set up the database:

rake db:create db:migrate db:seed

This will build your database and populate it with some test data. If you are setting up a local development environment, ignore rake migration errors for now. Optionally instead of the rake command, you can simply run


To run locally:

$ export MEETUP_API_KEY=[new key]

Check with


Ubuntu installation instructions

rvm install 2.1.7
rvm gemset use gdi-new-site --create
sudo apt-get install build-essential libpq-dev  imagemagick libmagickwand-dev nodejs